Interested in being a Floor Buyer for the Sale?
A floor buyer acts as a floor price for the market animals. The price the floor buyer sets is what the animal would bring at a sale of the animal on the open market. A floor buyer usually bids on one species of animals. The bid should include a price that would include picking up the animals on Sunday morning for all livestock except dairy (to be determined), and taking the weight of each animal that is provided at the final weigh-in. We have floor buyers for every market specie. These species include: beef, swine, dairy heifer, sheep, turkey, meat goat & rabbit. If you are willing to take all those animals in a particular species that will not be harvested for custom slaughter, please submit a bid on the following form:
If interested in being a floor buyer and submitting a bid contact Joel Packham at 208-430-7238 or Sam Condie at 208-312-6265 .
Please fill out the form below and return to or by Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 12:00 pm to be considered as a floor buyer. (If dairy, form must be submitted by Friday, August 9, 2024 at 12:00 pm.)